Most credit unions require that you become a member before you are eligible to apply for an auto loan. You will need to contact a member service representative at the credit union or visit a credit union branch for details and assistance for becoming a member.
For loan questions the best person to speak with is a loan officer at your credit union; unfortunately, we cannot access loan accounts or personal information through this website.
To apply for a loan with your credit union, please click the Loan Application link under the Car Financing section of this site.
When you apply for credit - whether for a credit card, a car loan, or a mortgage - lenders want to know what risk they'd take by loaning money to you. FICO® scores are the credit scores most lenders use to determine your credit risk. You have three FICO scores, one for each of the three credit bureaus: Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. Each score is based on information the credit bureau keeps on file about you. As this information changes, your credit scores tend to change as well. Your 3 FICO scores affect both how much and what loan terms (interest rate, etc.) lenders will offer you at any given time. Taking steps to improve your FICO scores can help you qualify for better rates from lenders. Credit scores required by credit unions vary, as do the rates and terms they offer for different credit ratings.
You can shop at any dealer, however, the preferred dealers we offer will make the car buying experience much more pleasant and there is a better chance that they will help you complete your auto loan with the credit union.
Through this website we can help you with finding a vehicle or dealer and answer any questions about buying a vehicle. Please visit your credit union’s website to access your loan or account information. To access your credit union website, simply click on their logo at the top left of this webpage and locate the home banking login from their menu options.
Click or select the vehicle of your choice. On the top right of the vehicle display page there is a price quote box to request a quote. You will enter your name, email and phone number. We encourage all members to request a “drive out” price in the comment section. Once submitted your request goes directly to our preferred dealer contacts. Expect one of our dealers to contact you within an hour or two.
From the homepage of this website, click on "Preferred Dealers" from the toolbar area.
From the homepage of this website select used in the main search box. Fill in the specs on the vehicle you are interested in and click search. A list of pre-owned vehicles will be shown that match your criteria that you entered.
When you do a search for a new vehicle it is owned by one particular dealership, meaning the unit is VIN specific. When requesting a price, the price you receive is only for that specific vehicle.
When selecting the "Get a New Car Quote" option your inquiry will go to many dealers and you should receive quotes from multiple stores.
The only reason a dealer make would not be listed is because we currently would not have a preferred dealer that sells the make you are looking for as new vehicles. However; all of our preferred dealers list their pre-owned vehicles and you might find a pre-owned vehicle on the website.
This service was developed to partner “credit union-friendly” dealers and credit unions together, to provide a better car buying experience for credit union members. The experience is like having a friend in the car business. Also each one of our dealers are very aggressive on pricing and always provide a competitive price to our members.
We are very confident that you will be pleased with the dealers we have in this program. However, if you had a bad experience with a preferred dealer on the Member Auto Center program we want to know about it. Please send a detailed email to Please provide your name, contact information, which dealer and dealership you dealt with and which credit union you are a member of. Please keep in mind, Member Auto Center can never guarantee any experience at any dealership, but if you visit with only the listed dealership representative, we are confident your experience will be much better.